Earwax Removal

Both ears naturally produce earwax to keep debris, dust and other particles out of the ear canal. Over time, earwax will clear out on its own without any intervention, through chewing, talking and swallowing. Blockages occur when this process fails to move along naturally. Niagara Hearing & Speech Clinic offers patients multiple ways to clear out earwax blockages to improve hearing health.

Why Is the removal of earwax important?

When wax builds up, it causes temporary and permanent issues. As a primary function, it keeps dirt out of the ear. When too much wax builds up and isn’t discarded, the extra wax becomes just as harmful as the dirt. Wax also has a secondary function of lubricating the ears to prevent dryness. When this isn’t allowed to happen, earaches and irritation are a side effect of a much larger problem. In rare instances, earwax build-up could be a symptom of a more severe illness.

Issues with build-up

Common symptoms with build-up are ear pressure, tinnitus, earache and hearing loss. Most of these are temporary symptoms that can be resolved with earwax removal. Attempts to remove the blockage incorrectly will compound the problem. Cotton swabs and harsh liquids can make the problem worse, even going so far as to push the excess wax further into the canal. When cotton swabs are pushed too far into the canal, the user runs the risk of the end breaking off. Damaging the eardrum with a cotton swab is a common problem when using it to remove earwax.

Removal options

Professional removal options are safe, painless and can discover many hidden hearing health issues. Vacuum, curettage and irrigation are three of the top methods used to remove excess earwax. These methods encourage the natural build-up of wax after cleaning since it is needed to protect hearing health. All three methods provide instant relief to the most common symptoms of the condition. Hearing aid users should be especially vigilant about keeping their ears free from earwax. The best hearing devices in the world are still susceptible to the damage that earwax build-up can cause when left untreated.