Our Providers

Greg Magnus
Clinic Manager, Hearing Instrument Specialist, Reg. AHIP
Meet Greg Magnus
Greg is the brother-in-law of Scott Jackson. Greg graduated from the Hearing Instrument Specialist program at Grant MacEwan University in Edmonton, Alberta and has been part of our team since 2009. Greg is an accomplished hearing care professional who loves to help people; He takes the time to listen to clients and thoroughly explain things to maximize communication. He meets people off hours when they need it. He helps people through testing, discussion, demonstration, fitting, follow up, repairs, ear wax removal, etc. He patiently helps clients and their families and care-givers to understand and work together to improve the quality of their lives. He believes that people and relationships are essential to good quality-of-life, and that hearing well is a pillar in building these relationships. Greg is a licensed practitioner with the Association of Hearing Instrument Practitioners (AHIP).