If you have been advised by your audiologist that you need a hearing aid, then you have probably been referred to a hearing instrument specialist. They are highly trained staff who will give you all the information you need regarding the type of hearing aid best for you and how you can wear them. Using your hearing aid can take time to get your head around and while there are minor improvements right away, you will need to wait a few months to start adjusting and getting the most out of your hearing aid. This is very common and you will likely be told all this by the hearing instrument specialist. 

How do they work? 

A hearing aid has three basic parts that all work in unison to deliver better quality sound that your brain can process. They are composed of three elements: a microphone, amplifier and speaker. The hearing aid receives sound through the microphone, which converts the sound waves to electrical signals. Then they are sent through to an amplifier which is the sound you will hear and be able to process much easier. The amplifier increases power of the signals and essentially you are able to hear speech through the speaker. Your hearing aid may come with some settings and there are different types of hearing aids also, analog and digital and it may depend on which one you are using. 

How do I use it correctly?

Your hearing aid specialist will fit your device and if you are using an earmold then you will be shown how to insert and remove it correctly at the time. You will find that it must sit just neatly in the ear canal and can take a little practice but should not be too difficult to grasp. This is known as a receiver-in-canal (RIC) hearing aid. There is also the behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid which sits on your ear with the thin microphone device sitting in the ear and the in the ear (ITE) which sits snugly in the entrance of the ear. Some hearing aids may give you a little bit of feedback, certain sounds that will ring in your ears but this is usually if the hearing aid isn’t in correctly. You may find that there are also some little added tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your hearing aid. 

How can I improve the sound?

Whilst it will take time to get the best sound quality, you will want to start by using your hearing aid in quiet surroundings. This way you can get accustomed to your hearing aid and then start to use it in noisy situations and this way you will be able to gradually see a difference. If you are engaging in conversation, then make sure you are not too close but not too far away from them, as well as watching their face and mouth to assist you further with what they are saying. You can even ask friends and family to speak slower and clearly so that you can really hear what they are saying crisply. 

There should be a setting on your hearing aid that adjusts sound. You should be able to gently maneuver it up and down to change the level of sound. After you have operated the sound settings it should beep to tell you that it has been changed. You should also talk to your hearing instrument specialist if you are concerned that you are unable to work the settings.

At night, you are likely going to be taking your hearing aid out. Be sure that you place it in its designated spot and that it isn’t left somewhere where it can be broken or damaged. Follow these steps and precautions and you’re likely going to be able to start getting the most out of your hearing aid! 

Will my hearing aid device ever break? 

It should not break or become damaged if it is looked after correctly. It is suggested that you do not get it close to water, as it can become water damaged and stop working. You can clean your hearing aid using a special kit but speak to your healthcare provider to ensure that you are doing it correctly.

For more information on hearing aids and how to use them, contact Niagara Hearing Clinic by calling (855) 797-8002 today.